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Retirement Village Life

Take a look at the ‘Living the Life’ video and some interviews with residents below for an insight into daily life at a Centennial Living village.

An Interview with Inez:

Residents at Keilor Retirement village:

Hear from our Residents
Deb and John - THV (1)

Deb and John

Meet Deb and John, the lovely couple who’ve embraced the holiday life at Taylors Hill Retirement Village.
Deb, who was a dedicated nurse for 43 years, and John, with a long career at Qantas, have found more than a home here—it’s an exciting new chapter filled with new friendships and activities. Deb’s passion for gardening is evident in the lemon and tangelo trees she tends to with her green thumb. She enjoys sharing her fresh produce through Facebook. Meanwhile, John, an avid woodwork enthusiast, is currently channeling his creativity into crafting Christmas trees.
Their favourite part about living here is the wonderful community and the busy social calendar that they now have. There’s always something happening—village excursions, restaurant outings, and social gatherings, creating a vibrant close-knit community. What has made their experience special is the acceptance and genuine care within the community, where everyone checks in on each other. Taylors Hill Village is a haven where Deb and John have found a place to call home that is filled with warmth, companionship, and a genuine sense of belonging.


Meet Sophie, a lovely resident of Burnside Retirement Village for over two years.
When health concerns led her to seek additional support, she opted for a serviced apartment. What she enjoys the most about living in a serviced apartment are the chef-prepared meals! With a background in sales, admin, and waitressing, Sophie knows the importance of having a good people around.
She’s all about that community life, finding comfort in the connections that become even more crucial as time goes on. Her week is packed with exciting activities like aerobics, lawn bowling, indoor bowling, gardening, puzzles, and game days. What she looks forward to the most are the upcoming dinner dances at the village. Here’s to Sophie, adding a touch of warmth, laughter, and genuine connection to our community every day!

Sophie - Burnside (1)